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 Mr Roberto Ramirez de la Parra, Managing Director of CONAGUA - Mexico is elected new INBO World President !

 Merida declaration annex


 Final Résolutions of the World General Assembly INBO 2016

 Documents de l'Assemblée Générale / General Assembly documents / Actas de la Asamblea General
 Communications / Papers / Comunicaciones
- Première session statutaire de l'Assemblée générale du RIOB / First staturory session on INBO General Assembly
- Cérémonie d'ouverture / Opening ceremony
- Table ronde 1 :  L'adaptation au changement climatique dans les bassins / Adaptation to climate change in basins
- Table ronde 2 : 
Les mandats, la composition, les rôles et les moyens des Conseils et Comités de Bassin / Mandate, composition, role and means of the basin councils and committees
- Table ronde 3 : 
La gestion durable des bassins : planification et financement / Sustainable basin management : planning and funding
- Table ronde 4 : 
Participation des secteurs économiques et des citoyens / Participation of the economic sectors and citizens
- Forum des organisations de coopération interntionale / Forum of International Cooperation Organizations
- Cloture / Closing



The Mexican Government, through the National Water Commission (Conagua) @conagua_mx, will accommodate the 10th World General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), from the 1st to the 4rd of June 2016 in the City of Merida, Yucatan.
The tenth edition of this Assembly will organize its work around major strategic issues to ensure the necessary implementation of programs of adaptation to great global challenges such as population growth, food and energy demand, or adaptation to the effects of climate change, in the basins of local, national and transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers, which will be addressed in plenary sessions, roundtables and side events.




Intervención Miguel Ángel Ródenas

Intervención de Miguel Ángel Ródenas (Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura) en la tercera mesa redonda temática:
"Gestión duradera de las cuencas: planificación y sostenibilidad"